October 29, 2023  |  Columbus, OH

On October 29th the North Allegheny Tigers wrapped up the fall head racing season with the second race of a double header weekend in Columbus, OH at the Speakmon Memorial Regatta. 

The Tigers Womens Open 4+ started the day off strong with a 3rd place finish, their first medal of the season after many hard fought races, posting a time of 20:47.2 over the 4.8K meter course. (Alana Boronski, Athena Thomas-Huber, Vanessa Edfors and Boden Sumerlin with Coxswain Evelyn Disque). The crew placed just behind The Ohio State University’s club team and bested University of Cinncinatti’s Club.  

Teammates Madison Lambert & Madelyn Rodgers, Sawyer Wright & Lorelei Schreiber, Katherine Zema & Alexandra Witzel were next down the course in the Womens HS 2xs.  “The Double Maddie Double” of Lambert and Rodgers wrapped their season with another impressive race topping the field and taking home gold for the second time this season. Wright and Schreiber just missed medaling in 4th place and Zema & Witzel placed a strong 7th in a field of 22 entries. 

First down the course for the Men’s team Sunday were Cooper Lemon and Nolan Bunn in the Mens HS 1xs – the two placed 17th & 18th respectively in a field of 26, having raced in the event for the only time this season. The Tigers also fielded two 4+s Sunday who placed 9th and 16th (Miles Rees, Josh Dubouvecky, Anthony Bertucci, Layton Wright and Coxswain Lauren Keyser), (Roman Bellisario Carson Carona, Alex Repinski, Christian Sperandeo & Coxswain Abby Berger). The Womens HS 4+ followed on the course taking 17/19 (Emily DiDonato, Alexandra Edfors, Abby Greiner Natalie Helfrick and Coxswain Ava Moore) .

Taking to the doubles again in the Tigers only mixed event of the season Cooper Lemon & Madison Rodgers, and Madison Lambert & Nolan Bunn placed 4th & 5th in the Mixed Open 2x. Then the Men’s HS 2xs of Christian Spreandeo and Nolan Bunn placed 14/21 and novices Nik Kshirsagar & Suraj Raina took 17th, finishing in a tight pack of 6 boats across the line nearly simultaneously. 

The remaining Tiger’s novice line up posted their fastest time of the season in a frustrating event, after passing several crews the 4+ having to stop to avoid a crash at one point with an unyielding boat, and finishing just out of medals contention in 4th place for the second time this season. (Phoenix Core, Maximus Disque, Neil Pore, & AJ Walton Coxswain Mandy Adducci). 

The final two events of the day for NA were the Women’s open 4x and Men’s HS 8+. The Tigers secured 1 & 2 in the 4x event, with the A line up crossing the line a full 1:55 ahead of the rest of the field (Alexandra Witzel, Sawyer Wright, Katherine Zema, Lorelei Schreiber) & (Emily DiDonato, Alexandra Edfors, Ava Moore, Natalie Helfrick). 

To end the season for the Tigers the Mens HS 8+ posted their second fastest time of the season and placed 6th just behind local competition Three Rivers. (Miles Rees, Carson Carona, Cooper Lemon, Anthony Bertucci, Josh Dubovecky, Alexander Repinski, Roman Bellisario, Layton Wright & Coxswain Lauren Keyser). 

The fall season is wrapped but next up Tigers will host a Learn To Row Day for prospective teammates on Sat 11/4 9-11 am at the boathouse, and the Tigers pick up Winter Training in preparation for Spring Sprint Season on Dec 4th from 5-7pm Monday – Thursday at NAI.